My name is Fresa Permata Sari from Indonesia University of Education (UPI). In 2019, I joined the program called SEA Teacher. SEA Teacher or Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia" is a program that gives opportunities to the student teacher to teach at every level and every subject in different countries. As we know that Southeast Asia has many countries there. For example, Indonesia's student teacher will teach in Thailand and so on. The duration of this program is one month, and every week have a different schedule. The first week, we have an observation to make the student teacher understand how to make a lesson plan based on the destination school. The second week is teaching assistant for learning how to manage the class and to apply the lesson plan. In teaching assistant, we still need guidance from the teacher. The last two weeks, there are teaching the practice. Teaching practice means that we should teach the students by our self and we should manage the class well.

For this program, I got Chiang Rai Rajabhat University as the receiving university and Chiang Rai Municipality School 2 as the receiving school. Those are located in Chiang Rai, Thailand.

Image result for chiang rai rajabhat university
Images are from the facebook of CRRU - Chiang Rai Rajabhat University and 

So, I will explain more about the detail of this program in the next sections. If you want to know more about SEA Teacher, you can check the SEA Teacher's website at
