1.1.   School profile
Chiang Rai Municipality School 2 or Tessaban 2 is a school near Chetawan Temple in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Chiang Rai Municipality School 2 is kindergarten and Elementary school. There are three grades for kindergarten and six grades for Elementary (Prathom). This school has five school buildings and one administration building. Tessaban 2 has a school website http://tsb2nb.ac.th that can access for more information about this school.

1.2.   Academic support system
The academic support system in this school is very good. In terms of administration, this school can take care of the administrative system properly. Likewise, in terms of providing goods for teachers in classroom teaching. Each teacher can take items (paper, scissors, etc) in one room that is available at the school. The item is used as a medium of learning in the classroom. Besides that, finance in this school is also well organized as it should be.

1.3.   Teaching system
The teaching system in this school is the teacher giving the material according to the lesson plan that has been made. The lesson plan was made based on the material in the textbook from the government. Then the teacher gives the assignment done in the classroom and students will get the value of the assignment. Some student meetings are given homework to study at home.
Tessaban 2 has teaching systems for teaching and learning in the classroom. This school implements a teaching system from textbooks provided by the Thai government and uses learning media such as videos and other learning aids.

1.4.   Materials and other learning sources
Tessaban 2 has materials and learning sources in the classroom. This school implements a teaching and learning system from textbooks provided by the Thai government and uses learning media such as videos, music, and other learning aids.

1.5.   Measurement and evaluation system
Students are given assignments both in class and homework. The task will be assessed by the teacher based on the material that has been taught. Students will be given three stars for 10 people who can collect the earliest assignments. Then the teacher gives the value of whether the answer matches the question or not.
Evaluation for teachers is also carried out by the school. Several times the teacher was evaluated by the school whether the teacher could teach well or not. Schools evaluate based on teaching materials and learning media used.

1.6.   General Curriculum
The curriculum is a curriculum that has been made by the government. This curriculum is intended for students to master foreign languages, especially English because they will be used to communicate. The curriculum in this school has several levels according to the grade of students. Therefore, this curriculum is made as easy as possible so students can understand English.

1.7.   Teaching plan (of your major)
The teaching plan in this school is all in Thai, either in English or in other language lessons. The teaching plan will be explained briefly in this section.

The teaching plan in this school is almost the same as in Indonesia. The difference that occurs is that the explanation of each material is very long compared to Indonesia. Teaching plan in Thailand can be up to pages in each meeting. This Teaching plan explains the material to be taught, the competency of students in carrying out learning, and the tasks that will be given by the teacher. 
