1.1.   Teaching methods
The method of teaching was carried out specifically on English, namely, the teacher gave an explanation of the lessons in the book from the government (at that time the book used was titled "Let's Go!" For Prathom 5 or 5th grade). Then, the teacher provides an understanding with several questions that refer to the teaching material. Some of the questions included dialogue, picture and they had to fill in food/drinks/places that fit the picture, and so on. These questions are found in the problem exercise book given by the government. Students can work on the book or in a notebook in accordance with the teacher's direction.
The teaching method provided is using a textbook as reference material and discussion of questions and conversations (to practice speaking as stated in the curriculum), then proceed with additional videos if needed.

1.2.   Learning materials and innovation
Learning materials available are printed books. The book has several chapters such as school books in general. The chapter is about food, place, limb, and others. Not only describes the names of places and food or members of the body, but in the book are available conversations used when communicating using English. The conversation is certainly related to the material in the chapter. Besides that, in the book, there are tenses that are used to explain the conversations in the chapter.

Besides printed books, there are also videos and music. The video is used to describe how the material is being taught. As we know that students can digest material more easily with music or video. Therefore, for class 5, the teacher gives videos and music to students so that they can easily understand the material. Music is used when playing games so students become excited and enjoy learning English.

The innovation that I found in schools and classes is that teachers often use practical methods so students can easily understand English. The average student in Thailand is quite difficult to understand and use English. But with the innovation of teachers who teach English through video, music, and games, students can understand the material taught by the teacher.

1.3.   Sources of learning and technology
This school uses internet access to open YouTube in learning to attract students to English. In addition, the teacher also provides assignments that make students work such as making state pop-ups in ASEAN, cutting, pasting paper containing student teaching materials and others.

The technology in this school is also sophisticated. For English, a special room is provided, namely an English room for students to study. This room is quite spacious, with ten tables available and several reading books. There are also projectors, TVs, and tools for the reading paper that can be connected directly to the TV, a mic to amplify the sound so that the teacher's voice can be heard by all students in the class.

1.4.   Authentic assessment

The assessment carried out by the teacher in this school is by giving assignments in the form of writing or craft related to English subjects. Each assignment given has its own rating which will be written in the table by the teacher. The assessment also includes daily tests and written examinations that will be accumulated with other tasks.
